Reiki I & II ResourcesView Cart

Reiki Treatment

Tuesday, Friday & Saturday
Serenity Shoppe
214 N. Washington St.
Snow Hill, MD 21863

$65 one-hour session
$235 4 one-hour sessions
(save $25)

Reiki Shares

First Tuesday
Open to Reiki Practitioners
LMT contact hours available
Serenity Shoppe
Snow Hill, MD

Last Tuesday
Open the the Public
Atlantic General Hospital
Berlin, MD
Please register in advance
Investment free

Reiki Training

for my most current schedule.


Reiki Treatment

Tuesday, Friday & Saturday
Serenity Shoppe
214 N. Washington St.
Snow Hill, MD 21863

$65 one-hour session
$235 4 one-hour sessions
(save $25)

Reiki Shares

First Tuesday
Open to Reiki Practitioners
LMT contact hours available
Serenity Shoppe
Snow Hill, MD

Last Tuesday
Open the the Public
Atlantic General Hospital
Berlin, MD
Please register in advance
Investment free

Reiki Training

for my most current schedule.

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©Diane Armstrong
2008 ~ 2011
Home Reiki Treatments Reiki Training Master Training Reiki Shares Contact Me About Me Reiki Resources

re you thinking of taking your Reiki practice out into the community via training and/or treatments?

According to tradition, one must be Initiated as a Reiki Master to teach Reiki to others. As a Reiki Master, I stand ready to support your desire to teach Reiki if you are ready for that step.

Coach for LifeIf you are already a Reiki Master, or are a practitioner who is interested in expanding Reiki into your community, my experience as a certified professional life coach via the spiritually focused Coach For Life has uniquely prepared me to fully support Your journey of sharing Reiki with the world.

f course your desire to deepen your Reiki connection—and your choice of a Reiki Master to support your way—will be a very personal one. I just want to put it out to you that if you are looking for someone who …

… emphasizes Self-Honoring.

… knows you are a conduit of the best answers for your experience.

… holds that my role is to facilitate your self-discovery and expanded consciousness.

… lives by Reiki Principles.

… and has a treasure trove of proven, practical tools to support your ability to make a living wage from your Reiki Practice...

...then I'll leave you with the thought that you are someone I would like to work with as well. Contact me to explore the possibilities.





Becoming a Reiki Master aligns what you do with what you say leading to an infinite expansion of physical, emotional and spiritual balance.

Our Master Training is an in-person weekend retreat for up to six Master students in Snow Hill, Maryland or Lake Oswego, Oregon.

Elements of this program include:

  • A Master Attunement
  • Learning Master symbols and their uses
  • Hands-on practice giving an Attunement
  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Reiki Master
  • Preparing the teaching space
  • Outlining career transition or blending Reiki into current career

Upon completion of this training you will receive a Reiki Master Certificate through EastWest Reiki Association to teach and initiate others to all levels of Reiki as an independent Reiki Master.

Because of the personalized nature of this course of study, please contact me ( to discuss our application protocol and the significance this program holds for you.


One of the many advantages of Personal Coaching is that the only thing you need to get started is a working phone line. This means if you feel I can be of service to your Reiki Practice, it makes no difference where in the world you live.

Many personal coaches, myself included, begin every coaching relationship with a Foundation Session. The Foundation Session is specifically designed so both you & I begin on the same page in our journey together called "coaching". The Foundation Session generally lasts a couple of hours or so and includes the following elements:

  • A review our Coaching Agreement.
  • The initial discovery process of what is present when you are feeling your most powerful Self.
  • Determination of the goal of our coaching sessions. What are you wanting to expand in your Reiki Practice?

Investment: $250

After the Foundation Session, comes the weekly coaching sessions. A coaching session begins when you call me at a predetermined time to discuss your progress toward your stated goal - or something else. I have two Coaching Plans to choose from:

Pace Myself Plan

  • 2 sessions per month
  • 60 minutes
  • Monthly investment $300

Jump Start Plan

  • 4 sessions per month
  • 60 minutes
  • Priority email availability
  • Monthly investment $500